As a department tasked with the vital job of identifying who will propel a company forward, you’d think HR would be considered the most important. The sad but true reality however, is that recruiters have been bypassed and sidelined, superseded by other teams considered more in line with the advancing rate of culture. HR has been left to deal with hiring the unique, unboxable talents who’re shaping the future of work, but using old protocols and outdated tools to do so.
But it can be different. HR in the hands of revolutionary tech such as Talent OS LNRD is cooler, hipper, and more agile, equipped with new data-driven tools that enable recruiters to better meet the demands of hiring in a fast-paced landscape. With LNRD injecting a high dose of empowerment and belief in the important role recruiters play in driving businesses to success, HR can finally be elevated to VIP position and encouraged to go from ‘surviving to thriving’.
Let’s prove it, shall we? By busting hiring myths we can see how it’s possible to change the face of the industry so people hiring will receive the accolade they deserve.
1. CV’s are the tool for presenting good predictors for success
Wrong! CV’s are endlessly proving themselves to be a major player in the broken system acting as old gate keepers for bad success predictors (like education pedigree and ‘x years’ experience requirements). In light of emerging, data-driven tech which is able to surface contextual success predictors for companies, it’s possible to understand unique success predictors on a per-company basis and find the talent shape to match them — without a CV.
2. Time-to-hire can’t be reduced
False! Using the ‘input-output’ hiring funnel model which aims to find as much talent as possible at the top to filter through, companies currently take an average of 23 days to detect matches. Funnels don’t let recruiters start with their most exceptional candidates. Skimming the top of the funnel is an outdated method, time shouldn’t be spent manually filtering the wrong talent to find the right. LNRD reduces hard-to-fill positions to a record seven days using Talent Loop methodology. Using a Talent Loop approach enables recruiters to find the right people first and understand where they fit in an organisation; surface the right talent from the get-go without wasting time.
3. Talents don’t want to invest in a new process
Disagree! LNRD proves that it’s more effective for talents to spend on average between 20–30 minutes completing our assessment than it is to tailor CV’s to roles, sending them out into the world and not knowing if a human is even looking at them. We’ve received 2K thank you’s from talents who’ve experienced a hiring process that puts their talent first and allows them to show the best version of themselves. Of the 185,000 talents who’ve experienced LNRD, our latest says:“Every time I apply to a job I create a different CV, leaving out much of my experience and who I am. When I heard what you are trying to do in LNRD, I realized- finally someone is doing something about this flawed outdated system! I’ve got to be a part of this…”
4. Companies should hold all the cards
Wrong! We‘ve moved to a new era of consciousness, compounded by Covid-19 which has helped to rearrange the power distribution. Remote working, global teams, flexible working hours… the world and its workforce is now more agile than ever. Where before talents and companies would enter a psychological contract making them obligated to each other, there’s now less obligation; acknowledgement that how things were done before doesn’t mean that’s how they always have to be. Talents know where to go to learn new skills in new fields, opening up more opportunities. Due diligence is no longer reference checking done by companies; talents evaluate companies too. There’s more transparency on both sides; when companies are honest and upfront about key areas, it encourages talents to bring their honesty and make informed decisions whether to move forward. With transparency, LNRD allows career choice by design, fuelled by the injection of empowerment, an equal footing, and a more level playing field.
5. Gut instinct should power hiring decisions
False! 46% of hires are bad hires based on guesswork and gut instinct, whereas LNRD has harnessed the science of quality hires to make 93% immediate impact in quality hires over a year; using data to build the shape of talent and see how they fit against the shape of a role. People may think they have good instincts, having relied on them to help with decision-making. But when it’s a crucial decision like hiring (with lives, time and money hanging in the balance) and you can track predictors for success using data, why wouldn’t you use data?
6. An ATS is the only hiring tech
False! An ATS is simply an efficiency tool to streamline and automate hiring, which doesn’t remove the legwork of screening candidates. As a career will pivot on average five times and it’s predicted 133 new unknown jobs will exist by 2022, hiring tech must go deeper, not quicker. Being data-driven is the only way to decode the complexities of the future of work.
7. Recruiters aren’t bias
Incorrect! Humans bring unconscious bias. Recruiters scan CV’s looking for markers — years of experience, education pedigree (college / degree), job title, age, gender, location, and their bias influences opinion. It’s impossible not to see those things when they’re in front of you. The real kicker is that bias comes from the talents too, who tailor versions of their CV’s and inflate their experience according to what they think the company wants to see ‘in context’ to the role / company. LNRD focuses on surfacing the shape of talent without collecting bias-led information.
8. Referrals and headhunting produce the best hires
Inaccurate! We can prove that finding quality hires doesn’t depend on referrals or headhunters. Referrals bring people who are a culture fit but at the expense of diversity, and headhunters just target their own people.
So, do you want to hear more? You can be part of LNRD’s #noCV revolution — our Early Adopters Program is open for companies who are looking to change the way they hire. Contact to get the ball rolling.